Lee TaeminSinger • Songwriter
Dancer • Actor
5HINee ♥ • Soloist • SuperM
Age: (Appears) 31
Birthday: July 18
Note: Multiverse Taemin's carrd carries some need-to-know info about interaction. First link will bring you back here for his backstory.
MultiVerse Taemin Carrd
Admin Info Carrd

.Azariel / Taemin
Story version below, TLDR for short version

Taemin was born in Heaven, a little angel with the name Azariel. He had many artistic talents but singing became his first love. Aside from music, Azariel had another passion.... a love and desire to help and care for those in need. Azariel's natural empathic abilities ensured that he was almost always aware when someone - angel or human - was in need of assistance. As a result of this, when Azariel's wings grew, he was assigned as a guardian angel and sent to live at one of Heaven's Mansions on the moon.Azariel lived happily with a number of other guardian angels in the Mansion for a few years before it happened. The fall.A large group of guardian angels gathered one day and decided that they might be able to better assist and guide men, women, and children if they walked the earth with them. Knowing that it was revolutionary and somewhat experimental it was decided that not all of the guardian angels would descend to Earth and they would only send down a number of volunteers. Azariel volunteered. It was decided that they would descend during the night among a meteor shower to mask themselves, as their flight to Earth would make them appear as shooting stars. On the chosen night, the volunteers lined up along the rooftops of the moon's Mansions, ready to descend. But something went wrong. As the volunteers took flight, an extra angel descended with them. A traitor. Seeing an opportunity, this traitor descended to the pits of Hell to alert the devil and his demons of the hundreds of angels in flight to Earth. As the unknowing angels shot toward the Earth in bursts of beautiful light, beams of darkness began to shoot up into the sky to meet them.... and destroy them. A battle broke out in the skies.... but it wasn't much of one. The volunteers were taken by complete surprise and were greatly outnumbered. Some were destroyed. Some were injured. Some made it safely but how many? Not even Heaven knows....Azariel was lucky. During his flight to Earth he began to sense something was wrong. But like so many others, he was unable to quickly react when he was suddenly attacked mid-flight. He was latched onto by only one demon who began to grab and pull at anything it could. Skin, hair, wings. His flight path was altered as he tried to fight off the demon. In the end, however, he was thrown down to the earth, landing with a massive boom and creating a small crater where his body had fallen. He lay there unconscious for days and when he came to he not only had no clue where he was.... he had no clue who he was.Azariel was thrown so hard his memory had been jolted. Although he was a young adult in Heaven he appeared to be much younger in earth years. Because of this, he was assumed to be a young orphan when he was finally found near his landing site in South Korea. It wasn't very long before he was adopted by the Lee family and from there it wasn't much longer before his love of music began to rule a part of his life once again.

MultiVerse Taemin

Powers/abilities:• Holy energy shield
• Soul Empathy
• Understand /speak enochian and a few other languages
(Including Speak with Animals)
• Telekinesis
• Heal others and self
• Angel blade
• Smite
• Holy energy blasts
• Taemin has the ability to brighten or soften the glow of his grace (gold in color) at any time.
• When using his angelic abilities, his eyes tend to glow teal in color, which is the color of his
inner grace and holy energy blasts.
• Taemin uses Enochian phrases to hide or show his wings when he's comfortable enough to show them.

Taemin was born in Heaven with the name Azariel. When he came of age, he was assigned as a guardian angel and lived at one of Heaven's mansions on the moon with other guardian angels.A group of guardian angels decided to descend to Earth to walk with humankind in order to help them better. However, a traitor alerted Hell of their flight to Earth and the guardians were met mid-flight with an assault by demons.Azariel was attacked in his flight and thrown to Earth so hard that he lost his memory. Although he was a young adult angel, he appeared much younger on Earth. He was taken in by the Lee family in South Korea and soon discovered his love for music and the arts once again.Through the years, he has slowly regained most of his memory and angelic abilities.